This page contains information specific to each event we allow pacers.
If you do not see the event or distance listed on this page, that means we do not allow pacers for that event or distance.
For events we do not allow pacers, your friend or family member can enter any distance on race day and run with you for all sections the courses overlap.
Pacer Instructions:
All pacers must fill out the registration form. It’s free, but mandatory. Once onsite, please check in at packet pickup to get your pacer bib and safety pins. If you miss packet pickup, we will move the check in computer, bibs, and pins to the finish line / awards tent.
Pacer Rules & Details Applicable to All Tejas Trails Events:
Pacers are allowed the entire way for runners 60 years of age and older.
Pacers may never mule or carry anything for their runner.
Pacers may never hand anything to their runner out on course that they have been carrying.
Only one Pacer at a time.
Pacers may only start and pull out at an official Aid Station.
Any Pacer impeding, being rude to other runners or volunteers, or breaking any race or venue rule will get their Runner DQ'ed.
Pacers are welcome to anything from the Aid Stations. Just give ‘right of way’ to other racers.
Pacers need to register online (so you can sign a waiver) prior to starting. You can find this button on the Event page. It’s free, but mandatory. You are not allowed on the race course without doing this step.
Pacers must get a PACER bib at the race site and wear it where it’s visible at all times. They will be at Packet Pickup until PPU ends. Then will be available at the Finish/Next Lap Line.
Rocky Raccoon 100 - 100 mile and 100km
Allowed after the runner completes 49 miles (which means a pacer may enter the course at Nature Center A.S. at earliest).
Cactus Rose - 100 Mile & 50 mile
Allowed after the runner has completed two full loops or after dark for 50 milers.